Anne Frank School
Molbergen, Germany
The Anne Frank secondary school is named after the young girl Anne Frank who gained fame posthumously with the publication of her diary, in which she documented her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. The school is situated in Molbergen, a municipality in the district of Cloppenburg, in Lower Saxony, Germany.
The Challenge
The lighting within the school consisted of recessed fluorescent luminaires which no longer complied with the requirements of EN 12464-1 and had a high maintenance and energy consumption. The municipality of Molbergen therefore decided to renovate the lighting in the school as part of a BMU grant.
The Solution
The fluorescent luminaires were replaced with Thorlux Jubilee luminaires with Smart controls. The Thorlux Smart System exploits the latest “Digital Technology” to provide a simple, effective method of lighting control which minimises energy consumption whilst retaining high levels of user comfort. A discrete sensor integral to the luminaire monitors ambient light and presence controlling output to the correct level, and ensuring that the area is only illuminated when occupied.
Lighting can account for a high percentage of energy consumed within a building, especially if old technology switch start fluorescent luminaires are installed.
Existing Luminaires:
- 31 pcs. 4 x 18W fluorescent luminaires
- 82 pcs. 2 x 80W fluorescent luminaires
- 256 pcs. 1 x 58W fluorescent luminaires
- 240 pcs. 2 x 58W fluorescent luminaires
Total: 609 pcs.
New Luminaires:
- Thorlux Jubilee Smart luminaires 51W
Total: 521 pcs.
86 %
Energy Saving
90,429 kWh per annum
8.5 Years
Products Used
Systems and Services Used in this Project
Full lighting control primarily integral to each luminaire. Modular or conventional wiring.